Ascension is me!!
Previamente les contaba acerca del juego Kingdom of Loathing. Sí, ya sé, ya lo reafirmé antes que soy adicto, pero cada vez hay cosas nuevas que te mantienen interesado en el juego.
A pesar de la existencia de otros juegos en línea, sobre todo de tipo "te ataco, me defiendo", KOL tiene la ventaja que no tenés que estar encima de él todo el tiempo para jugarlo y disfrutarlo.
La última gran cosa del juego es la ascensión.
Una vez que lográs derrotar a la Naughty Sorceress, que de por sí es un dolor de h..., tenés la opción de ascender. Ascender significa que podés reiniciar el juego como otro personaje, llevando un poder de la ascensión actual, además de los poderes arrastrados de ascensiones anteriores.
Otra cosa es que se puede elegir el signo zodiacal. En dependencia del signo se tienen acceso a otras áreas. Son tres grupos: Signos de Muscle, de Mysticality, y de Moxie.
Finalmente, se puede elegir el modo de ascensión: Hardcore o Softcore. En Hardcore no hay acceso al mall, a recibir mensajes, etc. Softcore es el juego normalito. Pero, jugar en Hardcore da beneficios después de la ascensión.
Ascendí de Pastamancer a Accordion Thief. Craso error: No me llevé el Advanced Pastamastery. Creo que la siguiente ascensión la haré también Pastamancer para llevarme el poder.
Por lo pronto, aprendida la lección, voy a ascender a mi otro personaje, Tramposín, actual Disco Bandit, a Pastamancer, y me llevo el Advanced Cocktailcrafting.
Bueno, mi otro Multi ya ascendió: Metalheart.
Esto es de lo mejor que hay en Valhalla:
You walk over to the hallowed resting place of your ancestors and are approached by a turtle tamer whose non-corporeal shade is missing an arm.
"Hey, I'm MetalHeart. Who are you?"
"I am your great-great-great-great grandfather, Valiant the Turtle Tamer."
"Why are you missing an arm?"
"Back in my day, whippersnapper, turtles weren't little slow-moving reptiles who were already half-tame anyway. They were a hundred feet tall and had big, sharp, pointy teeth. Turtle taming used to be work, junior, not a walk in the park. And don't think we had all the fancy spells and equipment you kids had. We just walked up to 'em and bonked 'em on the nose with a rock."
Another Turtle Tamer, this one missing a non-corporeal leg, hops up beside Valiant.
"I'm your great-great-great-great-GREAT-grandfather, Garrlahad the Turtle Tamer. You think you had it bad, Valiant? We didn't even have rocks! We would have rejoiced to have a rock! We hit 'em square on the nose with our bare hands! And their noses were the size of small cottages, so half the time we just got sucked into their nostril! You had it easy!"
"Ha!" Another Turtle Tamer, this one missing both arms and one leg, hops up. "I would have danced a jig if I had been sucked into a turtle's nostril! You had it soft! We used to go and poke the turtle right under the tail! Sucked into their nose... what a joke!"
You wander off as a limbless neanderthal rolls up to the group and starts saying "Ugh oog eeg! Ha!" Looks like talking to old people is equally as rewarding in the afterlife as it is in The Kingdom.
Otro genial es este:
Your pure, immortal shade sits down at a card table currently occupied by the pure, immortal shades of Boris and Jarlsberg, as well as the slightly less pure, immoral shade of Sneaky Pete.
"The game we play up here is called Valhallalala Hold 'Em," Boris growls. "You get an infinite number of cards, face down. Then we all bet from our infinite amounts of celestial currency, and then you turn over all your cards and we see who wins."
"That sounds pretty boring," you say.
"It is," Jarlsberg says. "So pretty much we just assume that Pete is cheating and will always win, and then Boris kicks the non-corporeal crap out of him for cheating."
You sit and watch Boris beat the intangible stuffing out of Sneaky Pete for a while. Compared to eternity, it is but a drop in the bucket, but it still seems like a long time.
"How long do those two go at it?" You ask Jarlsberg.
"Well, Boris can't get tired and Sneaky Pete can't be killed, so they could go on infinitely."
"Right," you say, and wander off to find something marginally more interesting to do.
O este!
You approach a card table and find three female Legends of Loathing seated around it: Suzianka, the first Arena Mistress, Ubisunt, the first Knob Goblin Harem Girl, and Viagretta, the first Spam Witch.
"Heya, big boy," Viagretta says. "Want to join us? We're playing Strip Poker."
You gleefully sit down at the table and join in the game. Unfortunately, you soon find that strip poker is a lot more fun with people who have clothes. And bodies. After a while there's a pile of ectoplasm in the middle of the table, which is exactly as exciting as it sounds.
You take your leave of the ladies and go off to find something marginally more fun to do.
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